Tuesday, December 13, 2022

feliz noche

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.

― Salvador Dali.

“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.”

― Henry David Thoreau, Walden.

Best feliz noche

“Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years are as full as they can be. We shouldn't waste time on things that might happen someday, or maybe even never.”

― Colleen Hoover, It Ends with Us.

Good Morning

“It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;—it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.”

― Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

Best صباح الخير

“She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward. ”

― Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

buona serata

Don’t worry if people think you’re crazy. You are crazy. You have that kind of intoxicating insanity that lets other people dream outside of the lines and become who they’re destined to be.”

― Jennifer Elisabeth, Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl

Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.

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Odysseus inclines his head. "True. But fame is a strange thing. Some men gain glory after they die, while others fade. What is admired in one generation is abhorred in another." He spread his broad hands. "We cannot say who will survive the holocaust of memory. Who knows?" He smiles. "Perhaps one day even I will be famous. Perhaps more famous than you.”

― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles

buon pomeriggio

 Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.

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“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

― Omar Khayyám


“It starts so young, and I'm angry about that. The garbage we're taught. About love, about what's "romantic." Look at so many of the so-called romantic figures in books and movies. Do we ever stop and think how many of them would cause serious and drastic unhappiness after The End? Why are sick and dangerous personality types so often shown a passionate and tragic and something to be longed for when those are the very ones you should run for your life from? Think about it. Heathcliff. Romeo. Don Juan. Jay Gatsby. Rochester. Mr. Darcy. From the rigid control freak in The Sound of Music to all the bad boys some woman goes running to the airport to catch in the last minute of every romantic comedy. She should let him leave. Your time is so valuable, and look at these guys--depressive and moody and violent and immature and self-centered. And what about the big daddy of them all, Prince Charming? What was his secret life? We dont know anything about him, other then he looks good and comes to the rescue.”

― Deb Caletti, The Secret Life of Prince Charming

So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. 

Best buongiorno

And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! Kid, you'll move mountains.

buona notte

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you’ve done your best.

Dare to be the best you can –

Best buona notte

At all times, Dare to be!

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.”

― John Lubbock, The Use Of Life

buon compleanno

When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.

Best buon compleanno

When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

“The time will come when diligent research over long periods will bring to light things which now lie hidden. A single lifetime, even though entirely devoted to the sky, would not be enough for the investigation of so vast a subject... And so this knowledge will be unfolded only through long successive ages. There will come a time when our descendants will be amazed that we did not know things that are so plain to them... Many discoveries are reserved for ages still to come, when memory of us will have been effaced.”

― Seneca, Natural Questions

buon compleanno scritta

When love hurts you, dare to love again.

When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

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When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.

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When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.

When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

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When you’re feeling tired, dare to keep going.

When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

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When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

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When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.

When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

buenos dias

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.

Best buenos dias

“Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.

I am haunted by waters.”

― Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories

feliz cumpleanos

I can't give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.

Best feliz cumpleanos

“We are living in a culture entirely hypnotized by the illusion of time, in which the so-called present moment is felt as nothing but an infintesimal hairline between an all-powerfully causative past and an absorbingly important future. We have no present. Our consciousness is almost completely preoccupied with memory and expectation. We do not realize that there never was, is, nor will be any other experience than present experience. We are therefore out of touch with reality. We confuse the world as talked about, described, and measured with the world which actually is. We are sick with a fascination for the useful tools of names and numbers, of symbols, signs, conceptions and ideas.”

― Alan Wilson Watts.

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Whose life was an inspiration;

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Whose memory a benediction.

bon anniversaire

 Who has left the world better than he found it,

Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;

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Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had.

Happy Birthday Bilder

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;

Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;

Best happy birthday bilder

Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;

Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it.

feliz noche

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. ― Salvador Dali. “The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which...